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All Cape & Islands
High School Festival Handbook


Audition Guidelines: We use the Massachusetts Southeastern District auditions list as the basis for all our auditions. Please check the Southeastern Massachusetts District website for updates as audition music and/or editions do change. 


All students must audition on the prescribed solo(s). Please refer to the lists posted on the Southeast District MMEA web site to view Senior and Junior Vocal and Instrumental solo piece requirements. Please check this site often as there could be corrections and/or adjustments made due to “out of prints”.

New in 2024: Modified Audition Requirements

As in the past, vocal and instrumental students auditioning may choose to audition on the Senior or Junior Southeast audition pieces. However, please note that this year in some cases, instrumental students will not be required to learn the entirety of the solos. This is in an effort to make the auditions as accessible as possible to all auditioning students on Cape Cod. The modified audition requirements are as follows:




Students who audition on a wind instrument should prepare the following scales:


1. Chromatic Scale, one octave from concert Bb-Bb

2. One octave scale on their instrument up to three flats/three sharps: Eb, Bb, F, C, G, D, A


Percussion students should learn the same rudiments as required by Junior SE.


There is NO multi-percussion pieces requirement for All Cape.

Wind & Percussion students auditioning for All Cape have the option to play the Senior SE piece for additional points. These students should prepare the same as what is required by Senior SE. Each specific room/judge will hear the same predetermined excerpt(s) from each student.

Students who wish to play the Junior SE piece should prepare the following excerpts. The excerpts are attached in a PDF form here and here.






























String students who plan on playing the Junior SE audition piece for the audition should prepare their scales exactly as required by Junior SE.


String student who plan on playing the Senior SE audition piece for the audition should prepare their scales exactly as required by Senior SE.


Below are the excerpts required for All Cape based on the Junior and Senior SE pieces. The excerpts are attached in a PDF form here.



  • Auditions are held the Wednesday prior to the Massachusetts Southeastern District Senior Auditions

  • The Auditions site will rotate as needed amongst participating schools.

  • There is a sight-reading requirement for both instrumental and choral auditions.

  • Senior Festival Auditions are open to students in grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

  • Student participants are not allowed to drive to or from any audition, rehearsal or concert.

Audition Registration Process:

  • The district teacher must submit student registration at least one week before the audition date. Registration is due by each participating school. 

  • These postings will reflect the number of students auditioning from your school. This database will close at 3:00 on the Wednesday one week prior to the audition date.​

  • The audition fee is $15 (change for 2023) per auditioning student.

  • Late registration will result in an additional $20 late fee.

  • Any changes to registration (Soprano to Alto, Snare Drum to Mallets, etc.) will result in a $20 change fee.

  • No registrations will be handled at the registration table. All changes must be completed by Tuesday, the day prior to auditions at 3:00 pm.

  • Teachers must pay for all auditioning students at the evening of auditions. Failure to do so will subject the school to a late fee of $25 per school in excess of the fees already owed for the festival participation (as voted by the CCMEA body).

  • Invoices will be generated by the Audition Chair or CCMEA Treasurer.

  • “No Show” students must also be reflected in your schoolʼs payment.

  • A director, or a chaperone designated by the director, must be present to register all students from a school/town at the registration table. Any early/late auditions must be approved by the auditions coordinator and must be requested by the director.

  • Schools must have paid all audition fees, registration fees, and late fees from the past year before they can register students for the current audition year.

  • Registration for auditions or festivals must be done by the school music educator online. Individual parents may not register students for auditions or festivals unless they are the Principal of a Home School student. In cases such as these, please contact the auditions coordinator.



The Audition Process:

  • Once arriving at the audition site, please send your students to the appropriate warm up room.

  • Only the teacher/chaperone should come to the registration table. There, directors will be given all forms for pre-registered students. These should be distributed to students prior to their auditions.

  • A medical form is no longer required to audition, but directors should retain a field trip medical information sheet from their individual schools.

  • No student may “double register” for auditions, with the exception of percussionists. 
    Percussion Requirements

  • Illegally copied music is not allowed in the audition rooms. Original scores may be used only.


The Selection Process:

  • Judges will hear each student individually to determine acceptance and seating for the four groups (Mixed Chorus, Treble Chorus, Concert Band, and Orchestra).

  • Managers will decide cutoff scores after the auditions have concluded. Managers will complete the rosters based on the wishes of the conductors and the repertoire selected for the upcoming festival as well as the scores of all auditionees.



  • Results will be posted on the audition website and shared with individual district directors soon after auditions. You will only have access to your school's results and the overall list of students who were accepted to the festival. Approximately one week after these have been posted, master lists will be available on this site.

  • Please email the auditions coordinator with any students whose name has been misspelled as this list is the one with which we complete the festival program.



Festival Guidelines:

  • The festival registration fee is $25 per student.

  • Applicants must attend and participate in all rehearsals to be eligible for the concert. Students accepted, but who do not participate in the festival, will not be allowed to participate the following year.

  • Medical and personal tragedies will be considered by the Executive Board upon receipt of a letter from the school director.

  • Student participants are not allowed to drive to or from any audition, rehearsal or concert.

  • Chaperones are expected to be present for the entire duration of an audition or festival and will be asked to fill out a Designated Chaperone Form at each festival.

  • No smoking, drugs or alcohol or disrespectful behavior will be allowed. Infractions of this rule will result in dismissal from the audition or festival.

  • Students auditioning for All Cape are to be “in good standing” academically and an active participant in the schoolʼs instrumental and/or vocal program.

  • Music directors must notify managers regarding any selected student who is unable to participate in any festival ASAP.

  • Snow Day Policy: Students are expected to attend both days to be eligible to perform. Students who are unable to attend rehearsals due to a conflict, will not be allowed to perform. However, they will not penalized from the following yearʼs auditions. A note is still required from the student.

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